Friday, February 13, 2009


Film. A noun used to descirbe the physical material when images are captured by a camera and then projected onto a screen to an audience.
e.g. The Titanic
Cinema. A place where people go to view films.
e.g. Berkley Cinemas.
Also, a general term used when talking about film and filmmaking.
e.g. Cinema studies.
Shot. A peice of filming with no interruptions at all.
e.g. Close up.
Edit. When a shot finishs and another one starts.
e.g. Cut.
Scene. Collection of shots arranged in a specific order.
e.g. Two people arguing or talking.
Frame. The edging around the film.
e.g. The the lines at the side of a widescreen tv.
Framing. Choosing which images are shown and how.
Diegesus. Everything contained in a film; every aspect and element.
e.g. The film Australia.

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