Sunday, May 3, 2009

Genre - Comedy Films

What do you expect to see in a Comedy film?
- Jokes.
- Sarcasm.
- Happy music.
- Soft music.
- Problems but humour always included.
- Minor problems.
- Love story usually included.
- Lots of characters, e.g. families, neighbours, friends.
- Happy endings.
- Sometimes colourful scenery.
- Funny main character.
- Normal transport, e.g. cars, bikes, trains, buses.
- Sometimes the main character is disliked/misunderstood.
- Sensible character.
- Dumb decisions.
- Light-hearted plot.
- Inappropriate timing.
- Main character usually male.
- Character changes, e.g. grows, learns.
- Includes aspects that the audience can relate to.
- Conflict.
- Fights between friends.
- Usually somebody alternative.
- Usually a loveable idiot.
- A geek.
- Sometimes a high school setting.
- Appeals to males and females.
- Usually little or no death.
- Sometimes a dry sense of humour.
- Comedy can be suttle.
- Usually irony.
- Swearing.
- Easy going.
- Different ages.
- Offensive behaviour.
- A specific target audience.

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