Sunday, May 3, 2009

Genre - Disaster Films

What do you expect to see in a disaster film?
- Bad guy.
- Hero (always a male character).
- Helpless people (e.g. children and elderly).
- A main character dies.
- Loud music.
- Dramatic music.
- Lots of sound effects.
- Good special effects.
- Conclusion.
- Always good and bad at the end.
- Sacrifice.
- Conflict between the characters.
- The disaster in the film sometimes brings people together.
- Characters sometimes express their feelings a lot more during the disaster.
- Lots of different camera shots and angles.
- Facial expressions usually serious.
- Rescues.
- Boats, helicopters, vans, planes used a lot, usually for the rescues.
- Quite a few main characters.
- Main characters usually clash when trying to figure out what to do.
- Normal clothing, e.g. nothing that stands out.
- Tragedies.
- Sometimes natural hazards.
- Major and minor injuries.
- Death.
- Love story included.
- “Rollercoaster”, e.g. from good to bad and back again.
- A specific target audience.

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